Pandas read_pickle - Reading Pickle Files to DataFrames • datagy (2024)

Pickle files are a common storage format for trained machine-learning models. Being able to dive into these with Pandas and explore the data structures can be instrumental in evaluating your data science models.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to read pickle files into Pandas DataFrames. The function provides a simple interface to read pickle files, meaning there isn’t a ton of flexibility. That said, it provides enough flexibility to read your files effectively.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have learned the following:

  • How to use the pd.read_pickle() function to read serialized files in Pandas
  • What the motivation is for using pickle files in machine learning
  • How to specify the compression format and specific storage options for working with different providers such as Amazon S3

Table of Contents

Understanding the Pandas read_pickle Function

The Pandas read_pickle function is a relatively simple function for reading data, especially when compared to more exhaustive functions such as the Pandas read_excel function. Let’s take a look at the function and its different parameters:

# Understanding the Pandas read_pickle() Functionimport pandas as pdpd.read_pickle(filepath_or_buffer, compression='infer', storage_options=None)

We can see that the function provides three parameters, only one of which is required:

  1. filepath_or_buffer= represents the string pointing to where the pickle file is saved
  2. compression= represents the compression format of the file
  3. storage_options= allows you to pass in additional information for different storage providers

We can see that the function is relatively simple, which can seem like a blessing compared to more customizable functions such as the Pandas read_csv function, which offers a ton of different parameters.

Tip: Creating the DataFrames Used

To create the DataFrames we’re using in this tutorial, check out my guide on using the Pandas to_pickle() function, which provides all the source code to create these pickle files yourself.

The Motivation for Using Pickle Files in Machine Learning

Pickle files are commonplace in machine learning, allowing you to serialize and deserialize Python objects. This means that it involves the process of converting an object into a byte stream in order to maintain the program state across sessions or better transport data, such as to a database.

This is especially important when working with complex data, that can’t easily be saved to normal data formats. Pandas also provides a helpful way to save to pickle files, using the Pandas to_pickle method.

Reading a Pickle File into a Pandas DataFrame

When you have a simple pickle file, those with the extension ending in .pkl, you can pass the path to the file into the pd.read_pickle() function. The function accepts local files, URLs, and even more advanced storage options, such as those covered later in this tutorial.

Let’s see how we can pass the path to a file into the read_pickle() function to read the data as a Pandas DataFrame:

# Loading a Pickle File to a Pandas DataFrameimport pandas as pddf = pd.read_pickle('pickle.pkl')print(df.head())# Returns:# Name Age Location# 0 Nik 34 Toronto# 1 Katie 33 NYC# 2 Evan 27 Atlanta

In the code block above, we imported the Pandas library and then passed the path to a file into the read_pickle() function. We then printed out the first records of the function by using the .head() method.

In the following section, you’ll learn how to work with compressed pickle files.

Specifying the Compression Format When Reading a Pickle File with Pandas

Pandas can also read compressed pickle files. By default, these files will have a different extension, matching their compression format. For example, a pickle file with gzip compression will end with the extension of gzip.

Pandas, by default, will infer the compression type by looking at the extension of the file. However, you can specify the compression if you want to be sure Pandas uses the right compression, you can pass a string representing the compression into the compression= parameter.

# Loading a Pickle File to a Pandas DataFrame with Compressionimport pandas as pddf = pd.read_pickle('pickle.gzip', compression='gzip')print(df.head())# Returns:# Name Age Location# 0 Nik 34 Toronto# 1 Katie 33 NYC# 2 Evan 27 Atlanta

The example above also works if we omit the compression= parameter, since Pandas by default is set to compression='infer'.

In the final section below, you’ll learn how to specify different storage options when reading pickle files.

Specifying Storage Options When Reading Pickle Files in Pandas

When working with larger machine learning models, you may also be working with more complex storage options, such as Amazon S3 or Google Cloud. Pandas allows you to read these files directly by using the storage_options= parameter. The parameter accepts a dictionary of the required information.

The example below shows a simple example of how to connect to an Amazon S3 storage account:

# Loading a Pickle File to a Pandas DataFrame from S3 Storageimport pandas as pdAWS_S3_BUCKET = ''AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = ''AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = ''AWS_SESSION_TOKEN = ''key = ''df = pd.read_pickle( f"s3://{AWS_S3_BUCKET}/{key}", index=False, storage_options={ "key": AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, "secret": AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, "token": AWS_SESSION_TOKEN, })

The parameters you need to pass in will vary by the service provider and your configuration. The example above shows a simple configuration.


In this tutorial, you learned how to use the Pandas read_pickle function to read pickle files. You first learned about the different parameters of the function. Then, you learned about the motivations behind using pickle files, especially in the realm of data science. From there, you learned how to use the function to read pickle files, as well as compressed pickle files. Finally, you learned how to read pickle files stored on other storage providers such as Amazon S3.

Additional Resources

To learn more about related topics, check out the resources below:

Pandas read_pickle - Reading Pickle Files to DataFrames • datagy (2024)


How to convert pickle file to DataFrame? ›

One can read pickle files in Python using the read_pickle() function. Similar to the read_csv() function, this function will also return a Pandas DataFrame as output. Let's now see how to save a data to pickle file in python. We will start by creating a DataFrame.

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Read a pickle file

load function. We can see the loading of a pickle file is very similar to the saving process, but here the mode of the open function is 'rb' indicates read the binary file. And this function will be de-serialize the binary file back to the original object, which is a dictionary in our case.

What does pd read_pickle return? ›

Returns: same type as object stored in file. Pickle (serialize) DataFrame object to file.

What is the difference between Pandas DataFrame pickle and CSV? ›

Although this difference may appear minor, serializing large Pandas dataframes with Pickle can result in considerable time savings. Pickle will also help us preserve the data type of each column in every case and takes up less disk space than a csv file.

How to get data from pickle file in Python? ›

Pickling with a File

In this example, we will use a pickle file to first write the data in it using the pickle. dump() function. Then using the pickle. load() function, we will load the pickle fine in Python script and print its data in the form of a Python dictionary.

What is a .pickle file? ›

Pickle in Python is primarily used in serializing and deserializing a Python object structure. In other words, it's the process of converting a Python object into a byte stream to store it in a file/database, maintain program state across sessions, or transport data over the network.

How to read in the contents of a pickle file in Python? ›

Python Pickle load

To retrieve pickled data, the steps are quite simple. You have to use pickle. load() function to do that. The primary argument of pickle load function is the file object that you get by opening the file in read-binary (rb) mode.

How to convert pickle file to JSON? ›

Pickle2JSON is a simple Python Command Line program for converting Pickle file to JSON file. Arguments: Only one (1) argument is expected which is the pickle file. Output: The output is a JSON file bearing the same filename containing the JSON document of the converted Pickle file.

How to load pkl file in Python? ›

  1. . pkl file are Run by Python.
  2. You need to install a module named Pickle for open . pkl file in binary mode.
  3. import pickle.
  4. with open('filename.pkl', 'rb') as file:
  5. my_object = pickle.load(file)
  6. print(my_object)
Feb 1, 2023

Is parquet faster than pickle? ›

But for Python-centric projects, focused solely on numerical data handling, pickle seems to be the best choice (both in terms of speed and memory). If you're managing a lot of data and want to minimize the amount of GB you're writing to disk, parquet is the way to go.

Does pickle load return a list? ›

1 Answer. Pickling will serialize your list (convert it, and it's entries to a unique byte string), so you can save it to disk. You can also use pickle to retrieve your original list, loading from the saved file. So, first build a list, then use pickle.

How does pickle work in Python? ›

“Pickling” is the process whereby a Python object hierarchy is converted into a byte stream, and “unpickling” is the inverse operation, whereby a byte stream (from a binary file or bytes-like object) is converted back into an object hierarchy.

Can Pandas DataFrame be pickled? ›

Pandas DataFrame: to_pickle() function

The to_pickle() function is used to pickle (serialize) object to file. File path where the pickled object will be stored. A string representing the compression to use in the output file. By default, infers from the file extension in specified path.

Which is faster Pandas or CSV? ›

The PyArrow Pandas backend provides a simple way to use Parquet files in Python and Pandas. Working with Parquet and Feather in Pandas is extremely easy. Because Parquet is compressed and column-oriented, it can load and save DataFrames much faster than CSV, while using less disk space.

Is feather faster than pickle? ›

Output. In our experiment, Feather generally outperforms Pickle in terms of speed for both write and read operations. This performance boost is primarily due to Feather's columnar storage, which optimizes how data is stored and retrieved from disk.

How to open .pkl file in Python? ›

  1. . pkl file are Run by Python.
  2. You need to install a module named Pickle for open . pkl file in binary mode.
  3. import pickle.
  4. with open('filename.pkl', 'rb') as file:
  5. my_object = pickle.load(file)
  6. print(my_object)
Feb 1, 2023

How do I import a pickle model into Python? ›

Using pickle , simply save your model on disc with dump() function and de-pickle it into your python code with load() function. Use open() function to create and/or read from a . pkl file and make sure you open the file in the binary format by wb for write and rb for read mode.

Can you pickle dataframes? ›

Any object in Python can be pickled so that it can be saved on disk. You can use the below commands to save the Dataframe in a pickle file.

Is it possible to pickle a DataFrame? ›

DataFrame - to_pickle() function

The to_pickle() function is used to pickle (serialize) object to file. File path where the pickled object will be stored. A string representing the compression to use in the output file. By default, infers from the file extension in specified path.

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